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Papermerge supports different authentication modes:

  • Database (default)
  • OAuth 2.0
  • LDAP

The difference consist in who decides if user with given username and password, are valid. In first mode i.e. database authentication - it is Papermerge who decides if credentials are valid, this is why this database authentication is also called "internal authentication". For other two authentication modes it is the other party, external one like LDAP, which decides on validity of the given credentials.

Database Authentication

In this case authentication is performed against credentials stored in database configured with PAPERMERGE__DATABASE__URL. This is default operation mode.

OAuth 2.0

Papermerge supports OAuth 2.0 authentication protocol with Google and GitHub providers.

Google Provider

For Google provider you need to configure following environment variables:

* PAPERMERGE__AUTH__GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET=<google oauth 2.0 client secret>
* PAPERMERGE__AUTH__GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=<google oauth 2.0 client ID>
* PAPERMERGE__AUTH__GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URI=<https|http>://<your-domain>/google/callback

Note that PAPERMERGE__AUTH__GOOGLE_AUTHORIZE_URL should always hold the same value: If all four environment variables are provided, the sign in view will render one extra button "Login with Google" as in picture below:

GitHub Provider

For GitHub provider you need to configure following environment variables:

* PAPERMERGE__AUTH__GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET=<github oauth 2.0 client secret>
* PAPERMERGE__AUTH__GITHUB_CLIENT_ID=<github oauth 2.0 client ID>
* PAPERMERGE__AUTH__GITHUB_REDIRECT_URI=<https|http>://<your-domain>/github/callback

Note that PAPERMERGE__AUTH__GITHUB_AUTHORIZE_URL should always hold the same value:

If all four environment variables are provided, the sign in view will render one extra button "Login with Github" as in picture below:


Papermerge can perform authentication against users stored in LDAP system. In order to enable LDAP authentication you need to provide at least two environment variables:

First one is the URL to your ldap server, without scheme, example:

By default, Papermerge will connect to LDAP server using secure TLS connection. If you want Papermerge to access LDAP server using plain text connection, set PAPERMERGE__AUTH__LDAP_USE_SSL to False:


The second mandatory option is PAPERMERGE__AUTH__LDAP_USER_DN_FORMAT. It instructs Papermerge the DN (distinguished name) of the user you want to authenticate against. Example:


Notice "{username}" part - it must be literaly this value; the "{username}" will be replaced with actual username of the user when performing LDAP bind.


In case you are curious, Papermerge uses ldap3 python package to perform LDAP authentication. Here is source code of ldap authentication part.

By default Papermerge will try to extract user's email from mail attribute of LDAP entry identified PAPERMERGE__AUTH__LDAP_USER_DN_FORMAT distinguished name. You can instruct Papermerge about email attribute in LDAP entry with PAPERMERGE__AUTH__LDAP_URL.