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Papermerge CLI

Command line utility which uses REST API to interact with your Papermerge instance. It can be used to upload documents from local filesystem to yout Papermerge instance.


In order to use papermerge-cli you need to have python installed. You need python version >= 3.10.


Install papermerge-cli with following command:

pip install papermerge-cli

pip is package installer for python - it usually comes with python interpreter. In order to install pip on Ubuntu use following command:

sudo apt install python3-pip


Papermerge Cli is configured via environment variables:


as the name suggests, the first one is the host of the REST API server and second value is the REST API token.

REST API server should be specified with http:// or https:// prefix, but without the /api suffix. Valid values examples: http://papermege.local,


The host may or may not contain the /. E.g. http://papermege.local and http://papermerge.local/ are both valid values and point to the same host

To get REST API token follow these instructions.


List the content of you home folder:

  papermerge-cli ls

In order to list content of specific folder (including inbox folder)::

  papermerge-cli ls --parent-uuid=UUID-of-the-folder


In order to see current user details use me command:

  papermerge-cli me


Recursively imports documents and folders from local filesystem. For example, in order to import recursively all documents from local folder:

papermerge-cli import /path/to/local/folder/

You can also import one single document:

papermerge-cli import /path/to/some/document.pdf

By default all documents are imported to your user's .inbox folder. If you want to import to another folder, use --target-uuid:

papermerge-cli import /path/to/some/document.pdf --target-uuid <uuid>

In order to learn UUID of the folder you want to import to use papermerge-cli ls command. To get UUIDs of .home and .inbox folders, use papermerge-cli me command.

If you want the local copy the uploaded documents to be deleted after successful import - use --delete flag:

papermerge-cli import --delete /path/to/folder/


Be careful with --delete flag! When present,

papermerge-cli will irreversible delete the local copy of all documents and folders in the /path/to/folder/!


Always, before using this flag make safe backup of the documents to be uploaded!

!!! note: --delete flag deletes the local copy of the documents/path to import after successful upload - this means that even if though you local copy of the documents vanished - the originals are still available in Papermerge!


In order to get general help about the command use:

  papermerge-cli --help

In order to get help for individual commands, place --help flag after the command:

  papermerge-cli import --help