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This guide shows how to setup Papermerge DMS + Authentik as OIDC identity provider. It was tested with Authentik 2023.10.7

To follow this guide you need one Papermerge DMS and one Authentik instance. For this guide we have: (Authentik instance) (Papermerge DMS instance)

Of course for your specific deployment you'll want to serve both apps over https, with valid certificates and without featuring ports in URLs, but for our guide we will skip those parts.

In first part of the guide we will add administrative user (superuser). Superuser has all permissions, in other words, superuser is the most privileged user in Papermerge DMS. In second part of the guide we will add one non-superuser.

Administrative User (Superuser)

Step 1 - Create Application

Create new application. Applications -> Create:

Name: Papermerge
Slug: papermerge
Policy engine mode: any

Leave Provider field empty for this moment, we will fill it in later.

Step 2 - Create Provider

Create OIDC provider. Applications -> Providers -> Create:

Choose OAuth2/OpenID Provider
Name: papermerge
Authentication flow: default-authentication-flow
Authorization flow: default-provider-authorization-explicit-consent
Client type: confidential
Subject mode (in Advanced protocol settings): Based on User's UUID
Scopes (in Advanced protocol settings): make sure email, openid, profile are selected

Last point is very important as it will setup sub claim to contain user's UUID.

Authentik new provider

Step 3 - Associated Provider with Application

Applications -> Papermerge -> Edit. Change Provider field to papermerge. Update.

Step 4 - Create User

Let's create a user in Authentik.

Directory -> Users -> Create. Create user with following details:

- username: bender
- email:
- password: benderpass

User "bender" will be administrative user in Papermerge DMS.


User is created in Authentik. User password is set in Authentik as well.

Step 5 - Start Papermerge

Get all OIDC related settings from Authentik's Providers -> papermerge. There you will find client ID, client secret etc.

Start Papermerge DMS with OIDC enabled, with following docker compose:

version: "3.9"

x-backend: &common
  image: papermerge/papermerge:3.4
    PAPERMERGE__SECURITY__SECRET_KEY: super-secret-12345
    PAPERMERGE__AUTH__PASSWORD: 1234-not-relevant-but-still-needs-to-be-here
    PAPERMERGE__AUTH__OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET: cBqWCID8xt0fjpTFJwup32K8gaF4zufuUYVmUPoAUY90FxVpnPqL1Krl74viDaKzpLyhzBNWgstKztITpstBdvjEfzlA6jr3g2HL6tqwGW6W5Ax93xGzkTD2xw0WsVTu
    PAPERMERGE__AUTH__OIDC_SCOPE: "openid email profile"
    <<: *common
     - "12000:80"
    <<: *common
    command: worker

Note that PAPERMERGE__AUTH__OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET, PAPERMERGE__AUTH__OIDC_CLIENT_ID should match their counterpart in "papermerge provider" created in Authentik.

PAPERMERGE__AUTH__USERNAME and PAPERMERGE__AUTH__EMAIL should match the user we created in step 4. As it was mentioned, we will use "bender" as administrative user in Papermerge DMS. Note that you need to specify PAPERMERGE__AUTH__PASSWORD, but whatever you put there is completely irrelevant because administrative user will login with password managed in Authentik (in our example it is "benderpass").

PAPERMERGE__AUTH__OIDC_REDIRECT_URL should match "Valid redirect URIs" from Step 3 and it should be of format: [http|https]://<papermerge-instance-domain>/oidc/callback.

PAPERMERGE__AUTH__OIDC_SCOPE must include "profile", otherwise JWT token won't contain preferred_username and groups claims

It may happen that not all OIDC endpoints are shown in Authentik UI. To get all OIDC endpoints, use "OpenID Configuration URL" directly in your browser:

All OIDC endpoints

Step 6 - Login as Superuser

Login as superuser


There is a known issue that after successful login - "sign in" view is still shown. As workaround you need to hit browser's refresh button.

Groups / Permissions

In this part we will add less privileged users. Users added in this part have limited permissions - they won't be able to add/view/delete other groups and users. User permissions are set via groups. Each group has a specific set of permissions; if user belongs to a group - he or she has all permissions assigned to respective group.

For this part to work, make sure you've completed the "superuser" part of this guide.

All non-superusers (i.e. normal users) must belong to one or more groups.

In this part we will create one user "leela". "leela" will have all permissions but view/create/delete for users/groups.

Step 1 - Create Group in Papermerge

First we need to create group, named "family", with desired set of permissions. You do this in Papermerge DMS with user "bender".

Add family group


Group names in Authentik and in Papermerge DMS should match.

Step 2 - Add User

Create user "leela" in Authentik. Create "family" group in Authentik. Add user "leela" to group "family" (in Authentik). Of course you will set leela's password in Authentik as well.

The outcome should look like:

User Leela in Family Group

Step 3 - Login as "leela"

Login with as leela in Papermerge DMS. Notice that "users" and "groups" tabs on the left side bar are not visible, as leela does not have permissions to to manage users and groups.

Login as Leela