Roadmap 2025 
For year 2025 we plan to implement in Papermerge DMS following major features:
- Localization
- UI settings
- Per object access management
- Group ownership
- Search by custom fields
- System audit
1. Localization
Localization is about making UI available in other languages than English. On initial release application will be available in English and German languages. It will be up to community to provides translation for other languages.
2. UI Settings
Currently, the only way to configure Papermerge DMS is via environment variables. UI Settings means - users will be able to change configurations like default UI language, dark/light UI mode, default language to use in OCR, date format etc via web user interface.
3. Per Object Access Management
This is big one. "Per Object" here means access management for specific folder or documents. In short, it is about shared folders and shared documents. We will address sharing of tags, categories, and custom fields as well.
4. Group Ownership
It is not clear yet if this one will be shipped as separate release or together with 3. In any case, this feature is about adding group ownership for the objects (related to 3.) Current version (3.3) supports only ownership of resources like folders, documents, tags, custom fields, categories by individual user (the user who created the resource). The feature is about adding one extra possibility of resource (folder, document, tag etc) being owned by a group of individuals.
5. Search by Custom Fields
The title says it all.
6. System Audit
Here System = Papermerge DMS. The feature is about providing insights what happens in the system i.e. who did what and when.