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OpenID Connect (OIDC) is an interoperable authentication protocol based on the OAuth 2.0 framework of specifications.

OIDC is a standardized protocol.

With OIDC, the accounts registration, authentication, accounts management (e.g. password management), is offloaded from the shoulders of the app to separate entity - identity provider.

One Identity Provider


"Authenticate" means same as "sign in", "login". Verbs "authenticate", "sign in", "login" are used interchangeably

With OIDC, instead of authenticating in each individual app, user authenticates with on identity provider (IP) side. To authenticate users, identity provider can employ various schemes like 2FA (two factor authentication). Once authentication is successful on the identity provider side, IP sends Papermerge DMS a digitally signed token. All the subsequent requests to Papermerge DMS need to have that token, or otherwise they will be denied as not authorized.

It may sounds abstract, because it is abstract. I think couple of illustration will clear the waters.

First, in order to authenticate, OIDC enabled app (Papermerge DMS) will redirect user to OIDC provider sign in page. On successful authentication Papermerge DMS receives a token - so called jwt token.

One Identity Provider

In above illustration, for step 1 -> 2 to work PAPERMERGE__AUTH__OIDC_AUTHORIZE_URL setting is employed. For step 2 -> 3 to work PAPERMERGE__AUTH__OIDC_REDIRECT_URL is used.

The trophy, which Papermerge DMS receives from identity provider for successful sign in, is so call called JWT token. Users have no idea (and rightfully so) about JWT tokens, as all token business happens behind the scenes.


All processes described from here on, are not visible to the users. It all happens behind the scenes for them. Information which follows is meant for devs, DevOps, SREs.

Your OIDC application needs JWT token as prove of successful authentication. As you may guess, JWt token will be carried inside each subsequent http requsts as http header.

All incoming http requests are proved for validity of JWT token. If http request has valid JWT token - request is permitted to reach app. If http request does not contain valid JWT token - it is denied access to the app.


By "valid JWT token" is usually meant that it contain valid digital signature, it is not expired and maybe some other checks specific to identity provider.

Following illustrations depict what happens with incoming requests:

HTTP Request Access Granted

HTTP Request Access Denied

Inside Papermerge DMS there is a "guard" which, for every incoming request, asks identity provider if respective HTTP request is valid or not. If identity provider says that JWT token is valid - request is permitted to pass, otherwise access is denied. This step is possible due to PAPERMERGE__AUTH__OIDC_INTROSPECT_URL setting. OIDC introspect endpoint is go to endpoint to inquiry for validity of the JWT token.

The last technical detail to clarify, with high risk of diving in too many details, is: what is this "guard" thingy? "Guard" is nginx's authorization based on sub-request result. In other words, there is nginx's "auth_request" for every incoming HTTP request and depending on it's response's status code the request is allowed to pass or not.


When using OIDC provider, users are managed on OIDC provider side. You will create, update, delete users on OIDC provider side. This means also that you set users' passwords on provider side (Keycloak, Authentik).

The only exception from this rule is very first superuser account of the Papermerge DMS. Initial superuser account of Papermerge DMS is created on both sides: in Papermerge DMS via PAPERMERGE__AUTH__USERNAME, PAPERMERGE__AUTH__EMAIL PAPERMERGE__AUTH__PASSWORD environment variables and via OIDC provider.

Note however that even though you must supply PAPERMERGE__AUTH__PASSWORD, its value is not used, as you will login using password configured in OIDC provider.


Every user which will login into Papermerge DMS via OIDC must belong to one or more groups. The only exception from this rule is initial superuser account.

Groups must be created on both sides - on Papermerge DMS side and on OIDC provider side. Groups are matches by their names. This means, in order to match, on both sides group name must be same. Name matching is case sensitive, this means for examples that "Family" and "family" are distinct names.


When using OIDC provider, permissions are managed on Papermerge DMS side only. Group can be regarded as a set of permissions. Group <-> Permissions association is accomplished on Papermerge DMS side.

On the OIDC provider side, users are assigned to groups. By matching group on the Papermerge DMS side, user gains all permissions of the groups they were assigned.

Users, groups, permissions entities relations can be illustrated as in following picture:

Users Groups Permissions