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Papermerge DMS docker image is shipped with backup and restore utilities. Shipped utility will backup all your folders, documents with their associated versions and OCR data, tags and users. Search engine index is not included in backup though.


User passwords are included in backup file as well. Passwords are stored as digests.


Backup your documents with following command:

$ docker exec <papermerge-server-container> <optional-location>

where <optional-location> is the path to file or folder inside container where to save backup file. If location is not provided, backup file will be saved in /core_app/ folder - the papermerge core application's current folder.


    $ docker ps --format '{\{.ID\}} {\{.Command\}} {\{.Names\}}'

    914dda21dd3d "/run.bash server" 091223_30-web-1
    42095cee91f0 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 091223_30-solr-1
    d65b3205d9ec "/run.bash worker" 091223_30-worker-1
    ac5cfd76993a "docker-entrypoint.s…" 091223_30-redis-1
    8ad6d0a7eb6c "/opt/bitnami/script…" 091223_30-db-1

In above example the Papermerge DMS has 5 containers: app server (the core or web or http or REST API server, pick the name you like :P), solr search engine, redis, database and finally one paper worker.

To create a backup in root folder of the app container just run:

$ docker exec 914dda21dd3d /

When above command is ready, check that backup file was created:

$ docker exec 914dda21dd3d ls /


Backup file is backup_10_12_2023-06_30_37.tar.gz. Now you can copy backup file to your local filesystem:

$ docker cp 914dda21dd3d:/backup_10_12_2023-06_30_37.tar.gz .

You may choose to name file differently:

$ docker exec 914dda21dd3d /my-daily-backup.tar.gz

Then copy it to your local filesystem:

$ docker cp 914dda21dd3d:/my-daily-backup.tar.gz .


Backup files are gzipped tar archives, thus you probably want to append ".tar.gz" to their name.


When you plan to restore previous backup, we suggest to start with new Papermerge DMS instance, with only one superuser (which is created by default anyway). Make sure there are no documents in the new instance.

For sake of example, let's say the superuser's username is "admin". For restoring use command:

$ docker exec <papermerge-server-container> <backup-file>

For that to work, you need first to copy backup archive file to core (server) container. Sticking with example from previous section:

$ docker cp my-backup.tar.gz 914dda21dd3d:/my-backup.tar.gz
$ docker exec 914dda21dd3d /my-backup.tar.gz

If "admin" user already existed in backup file, then admin's password will be set to the one from the backup file.

Backup File Structure

The backup file is a gzipped tar archive with following content:

  1. backup.json file
  2. ocr/ folder
  3. docvers/ folder
  4. username1/, username2, ... i.e. one folder per user with folder title being user's username

backup.json file contains all necessary info to restore the database i.e. all users, their nodes, tags etc.

docvers/ contains actually document versions files. Your documents are here.

ocr/ contains OCR data of each individual page in the document.

User folders mentioned in point 4. are provided for convenience, so that you may quickly get an understanding of the folder structure and their content. Each file in user folder is actually a symbolic link pointing to the last version of the document (from docvers).


Each user has two special folders: .home and .inbox; special folder's title start with dot. If you open backup archive in file browsers which hides dot files (file starting with dot character) - the content of user folder may appear empty! When opening backup archive make sure you set 'show hidden files flag' on.