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In order to use REST API interface you need an http client. The most wide-spread http client is curl.

In following sections curl will be used if all examples.

Server URL

Throughout this REST API documentation you will notice reference to <server-url> - this is base http address of your Papermerge instance. Base url/address is where your instance was deployed. Depending where your Papermerge instance was deployed you may use https instead of http and use correct port number.

Examples of <server-url>:

  • http://localhost:8000/

Let's take an example for authentication REST API. If your <server-url> is then, in order to authenticate and get a token you'll need to run following curl command:

curl -XPOST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"username":"john","password":"password"}'

Another example, this time with users endpoint:

curl \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json'
  -H 'Authorization: Token ababfa840abb6b8aa3a185e631c19095c70de932'


When querying for json data types always pay attention to Content-Type header. For json data it sometimes may be either application/json or application/vnd.api+json. Each REST API call reference documents correct value of Content-Type header.


Papermerge REST API backend uses token based authentication, this means that you will need to send your credentials to the backend API server and if credentials are correct, then server's response will contain a valid token in response's body. For all subsequent requests, which require authorization, you will need to append Authorization header with Token <token> value.


After you've retrieved token for your account, all subsequent requests need to include Authorization: Token <token> header.

For authentication use authentication endpoint. Example:

curl -X POST \
  <server-url>/api/auth/login/ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{"username":"john","password":"<password here>"}'

When credentials are correct, response will have status 200 OK, content-type will be application/json and response will have following body:

    "token": <your token here>,
    "expiry": null

With authentication token at hand, you can perform any REST API, for example:

curl \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json'
  -H 'Authorization: Token ababfa840abb6b8aa3a185e631c19095c70de932'


When quering for json data types always pay attention to Content-Type. For json data it sometimes may be either application/json or application/vnd.api+json. Each REST API call reference documents correct value of Content-Type header.

Nodes, Folders and Documents

This section explains by example how to use nodes, folders and documents endpoints because they feature some peculiarities.

In Papermerge one folder can contain other folders and documents. It is de factor standard nowadays for a typical file manager_ to organize files and folders in hierarchical structure (i.e folder can contains other folders and files). In this regard Papermerge behaves like a common file manager.

Our goal of this short tutorial like section is to create, with help of REST API, following structure of folders and documents:

In illustration above folder My Documents contains two folders and two documents:

  • Fruits (folder)
  • Vegetables (folder)
  • mydoc_1.pdf
  • mydoc_2.pdf

Folder Fruits contains two documents: apples.pdf and lemons.pdf. Folder Vegetables contains just one document titled broccoli.pdf.

Let's first create folder "My Documents".

Each folder belongs to a specific user and has one parent folder - which means that in order to create folder "My Documents" we need to know parent folder id (user id is deduced from the token). Notice that folder "My Documents", which we are about to create, looks like it will be top level folder - which may lead you to wrong conclusion that "My Documents" folder does not need parent id.


Every folder and document you create in Papermerge requires non empty folder parent id field.

Special Folders

Every user in Papermerge has two special folders:

  • .home
  • .inbox

These folders are special because they are created during user's account creation and are always there as long user's account exists. You cannot delete .home, .inbox folders and you cannot alter their title (which starts with dot character). Folder "My Documents" must be direct child of either .home or .inbox folder.


You can create "My Documents" folder directly in user's .inbox. However .inbox folder is intended for received document (e.g. via email attachments)

In order to get user's .home folder id use api/users/me/ endpoint::

curl <server-url>/api/users/me/ \
  -H 'Authorization: Token beb...'

Example of response:

    "data": {
      "type": "users",
      "id": "169d8",
      "attributes": {
        "username": "admin",
      "relationships": {
        "inbox_folder": {
          "data": {
            "type": "folders",
            "id": "8d6ee1"
        "home_folder": {
          "data": {
            "type": "folders",
            "id": "18381e"  // <-- .home folder id

In response above home folder id is "18381e". folder id is actually an uuid number, however for sake of simplicity, we abbreviate it and remove all irrelevant fields.


For creating folder and documents you always need parent folder id. User has two special folders: .inbox and .home and all other documents and folders are under one of these two folders. In order to get special folder's ids use api/users/me/ REST API endpoint

Create Folder

Now, once we have folder's parent id, we can create "My Documents" folder:

  curl -XPOST <server-url>/api/folders/ \
    -H 'Authorization: Token beb...' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json' \
    -d '{
      "data": {
        "type": "folders",
        "attributes": {
          "title": "My Documents"
        "relationships": {
          "parent": {
            "data": {
                "type": "folders",
                "id": "18381e"  // <- .home folder id

Similarly you can create folder with help of POST /api/nodes/ endpoint:

  curl -XPOST <server-url>/api/nodes/ \
    -H 'Authorization: Token beb...' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json' \
    -d '{
      "data": {
        "type": "folders",
        "attributes": {
          "title": "My Documents"
        "relationships": {
          "parent": {
            "data": {
                "type": "folders",
                "id": "18381e"  // <- .home folder id

We can create as many folders with same title as we want. Papermerge does not impose folder title uniqueness.

Also it is important to note that when creating folder, Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json header must be used. If you forget to include application/vnd.api+json value for content-type you will get "400 Bad Request" response from REST API server.


When content-type is application/vnd.api+json, always wrap all fields inside "data" field:

{ "data": {...} }


Even though you can use both endpoints i.e. POST /api/nodes/ and POST /api/folders/ for creating folders, we recommend to use POST /api/nodes. The point is, as you will see later, it make creating of folder and document consistent.

View Folder's Content

Once we've created folder "My Documents" under user's .home, we want to see what's inside .home folder, this way we can confirm that indeed folder "My Documents" was created and it is direct descendant of .home folder.

Correct endpoint for listing the content of specific folder is GET /api/nodes/{folder-id}/. For our case, we want to list user's .home:

curl <server-url>/api/nodes/18381e/ \
  -H 'Authorization: Token beb...'

And response json body will look something like:

    "links": {
    "data": [
        "type": "folders",
        "id": "949baf",
        "attributes": {
          "title": "My Documents",
        "relationships": {
          "parent": {
            "data": {
              "type": "folders",
              "id": "18381e"
    "meta": {
      "pagination": {

Node - is an abstraction of both folder and document, thus when we use GET /api/nodes/{node-id}/ REST API endpoint we basically request to list all documents and folders under specific node-id.

To be exact the correct signature of the endpoint is GET /api/nodes/ {folder-id}/, because it does not make any sense to list "folders and documents under a document".

There two other endpoints which you may think of as a way to list all folder's content:

  • GET /api/folders/
  • GET /api/folders/{folder-id}/

First one, GET /api/folders/, indeed will return all folders of specific user. However, it will return only folders and all folders will be listed as flat structure. In our case this means that folder "My Documents", .home, .inbox will be in the same flat list.

Second one, GET /api/folders/{folder-id}/, will return folder's properties details i.e. id, title, tags, created_at etc


Correct endpoint for listing the content of specific folder is GET /api/nodes/{folder-id}/

Create Document

At this point, creating "Fruits" and "Vegetables" folders should be straightforward and we leave it as exercise.

Creating documents, on the other hand, needs clarification. First of all, from user point of view - documents are "uploaded", not "created". But from REST API point of view, uploading a document is performed in two steps:

  1. create document entry
  2. upload associated file

In first step we create document entry:

curl -XPOST <server-url>/api/nodes/ \
  -H 'Authorization: Token beb...' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json' \
  -d '{
    "data": {
      "type": "documents",
      "attributes": {
        "title": "mydoc_1.pdf"
      "relationships": {
        "parent": {
          "data": {
              "type": "folders",
              "id": "18381e1"

Creating document entry in this way is very similar to creating a folder. The difference is that for documents you specify type "documents".

At this point, if you list all documents and folders under "My Document", you will see folders "Vegetables", "Fruits" and document "mydoc_1.pdf". However, document "mydoc_1.pdf" does not have a file associated yet, in other words, we still need to upload file and associated it with "mydoc_1.pdf" document.

This is second step. In order to perform second step we need to have a file and we need to know the id of the document entry we've just created. Document id can be retrieved either from response of POST /api/nodes/ endpoint, or by listing all children nodes of "My Documents" folder with GET /api/nodes/{my-documentsn-node-id}/.

Here is curl command to upload pdf file and associate it with given document id::

curl -H 'Authorization: Token beb...' \ -H 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=mydoc_1.pdf' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/pdf' \ -T /path/to/my_doc_1.pdf \ http:///api/documents/{document-id}/upload/mydoc_1.pdf

-T parameter in curl implies usage of PUT. Also, notice that Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=<file-name> is mandatory header.


  • Retrieve special folder ids with GET /api/users/me/ endpoint
  • Creating a node (document or folder) requires non-empty parent id
  • Create a folder with POST /api/nodes/ endpoint (type "folders")
  • List content of the folder with GET /api/nodes/ endpoint
  • Uploading document is two steps process:

  • create document entry with POST /api/nodes/ (type "documents")

  • upload file to document node created in first step using PUT /api/documents/{document-id}/upload/file-name