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This guide is intended for those who want play with backend code for Papermerge. It order to follow it you need to be comfortable with linux command line and python programming language.

In this guide Ubuntu 20.04 LTS is used as Linux distribution.

If you follow this document and still have troubles, please open an issue on GitHub.

Install required Ubuntu 20.04 LTS deb packages:

$ sudo apt install build-essential \
    python3-dev \
    libpq-dev \
    imagemagick \
    tesseract-ocr \
    tesseract-ocr-eng \
    tesseract-ocr-deu \
    tesseract-ocr-fra \

Clone papermerge-core repository:

$ git clone

Install python poetry - it is used for python dependencies management.

Using poetry, install python dependencies:

  $ cd ~/papermerge-core
  $ poetry install

Activate python virtual environment:

  poetry shell

Set following shell environment variables:

  $ export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=config.settings
  $ export PAPERMERGE_SECRET_KEY=somesecretkey
  $ export PYTHONPATH=<project-root>


<project-root> is folder where your project was cloned. Example: /home/vagrant/papermerge-core/.

Change current working directory to <project-root>/docker/dev:

$ cd docker/dev

Run database migrations:

$ ./ migrate

!!! note:

By default Papermerge uses sqlite3 database.

Create superuser for Papermerge instance:

$ ./ createsuperuser

Papermerge backend can start either as REST API server or as worker. There can be as many workers as you want, but only one REST API server. REST API server is http web server for serving REST API requests. Worker(s) perform background jobs like OCR processing, indexing.


Switch to docker/dev folder in <project-root> and activate python virtual environment:

$ cd <project-root>/docker/dev
$ poetry shell

Set shell environment variables:

$ export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=config.settings
$ export PAPERMERGE__MAIN__SECRET_KEY=somesecretkey
$ export PYTHONPATH=<project-root>

Start REST API webserver with:

$ poetry run task server

Last command will start backend REST API server on localhost port 8000.

If you want to bind REST API server to IP use::

$ ./ runserver

You can access REST API backend via http://localhost:8000/api/ url.


Worker(s) perform background jobs like OCR processing. Worker communicate with REST API server via Redis_. By default Worker(s) and REST API server will assume that Redis is up and available on

!!! note:

  Without any further configuration boths REST API server and worker(s) will
  communicate via `Redis`_ which is expected to be available on

Switch to docker/dev folder in <project-root> and activate python virtual environment:

$ cd <project-root>/docker/dev
$ poetry shell

Set shell environment variables:

$ export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=config.settings
$ export PAPERMERGE_SECRET_KEY=somesecretkey
$ export PYTHONPATH=<project-root>

Start worker with following command:

$ poetry run task worker