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Papermerge DMS

Papermerge DMS or simply Papermerge is a open source document management system designed to work with scanned documents, also called digital archives. It extracts text from your scans (which might be PDF, TIFF, JPEG or PNG , indexes it, and prepares it for full text search. Papermerge provides the look and feel of modern desktop file browsers. It has features like dual panel document browser, drag and drop, tags, hierarchical folders, so that you can efficiently store and organize your documents.

Papermerge is perfect tool for long term storage of digital archives.


Support for TIFF, JPEG and PNG was temporary dropped. These formats are not available in 2.1; TIFF, JPEG and PNG formats will be supported again since 3.0

Papermerge screenshot

Features Highlights

  • Works well with PDFs
  • Desktop like user interface
  • Dual panel mode
  • OCR - used to extract text for documents indexing
  • OCRed text overlay (you can download document with OCRed text overlay)
  • Full text search (supports multiple search engines)
  • Document Versioning
  • Tags - assign colored tags to documents or folders
  • Folders - users can organize documents in folders
  • Multi-User
  • User permissions management
  • Fully REST API (all features can be consumed via REST API)
  • Page Management - delete, reorder, rotate, merge, move, extract

What It Does

  • It extracts (using OCR) and indexes text from your documents
  • Provides modern, desktop like user interface to easily find your documents
  • Helps you instantly find your documents
  • Helps you fix scanned documents issues like:
  • delete blank, semi-blank or just irrelevant pages
  • rotate pages
  • move strayed pages between documents
  • change page order within the document

What It Doesn't Do

  • It does not take control of your documents. Documents are stored on filesystem in a simple and intuitive manner so that you can take snapshot of your data at any time
  • It does not overwrite your original documents

Right Tool for You?

To be efficient you always need to choose right tool for the problem. Because Document Management is too generic - I think that a definition of what is a Document in context of this software is needed.

What is a Document?

For Papermerge a document is anything which is a good candidate for archiving - some piece of information which is not editable but you need to store it for future reference. For example receipts are perfect examples - you don't need to read receipts everyday, but eventually you will need them for your tax declaration. In this sense - scanned documents, which are usually in PDF or TIFF format, are perfect match.

PDF (Portable Document Format) is de facto standard for storing archived documents. In correct technical terms - it is PDF/A subset. PDF/A differs from PDF by prohibiting features unsuitable for long-term archiving, such as font linking and encryption.

Most of the modern office scanners will output scanned files in PDF/A format. This is why, PDF is practically synonymous for document in context of Papermerge.

A picture made with your phone of a A4 paper document is regarded by Papermege as full fledged document, even though digitally it is stored as jpeg or png format. You can think of a picture made with a phone (of a document) as a bad quality scan.

What is Not a Document?

Out of scope are Office documents (ODT, DOCX, spreadsheets, presentations etc), text files (notes); these files are usually editable i.e. user can alter the content of the document. Any format of alterable type of document is out of scope for Papermerge project.

Papermerge is simply not designed to store books. Yes, you can scan a book and import it in Papermerge, but again - this is not what Papermerge was designed for.